Creating creative ideas together? What else!

Again and again there are tasks to be solved in business life, which can be done much faster and easier in a team, detached from everyday stress and everyday place. There are new approaches to think up and to present. There are new methods to try. There are new encounters to initiate. There are plans to implement or to change. There’s something new to tell the press about.

A bright house in the countryside is exactly the right place for this. We plan with you your conference, your workshop, your convention, your press conference, your presentation, your business day, your business breakfast, your informative event or or or

And then, after the informative day, another dinner – also wonderful.

Or do you have completely different ideas? We’re looking forward to it.

Here you will find more information in a PDF and pictures of our conference rooms:

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(089) 17 53 09

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